Love that Holds Water

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”
Romans 12:9-11

“Love must be sincere.” I was reminded by one of my morning devotionals just exactly what “sincere” means. The word “sincere” translates to “without wax”. Long story short, when clay pots got cracks, back in the old days, they became useless because they could no longer hold water. The people selling pots would fill the cracks with wax making them appear to be good. So when a person got a pot that had no wax and no cracks, they called it a sincere pot.

I really don’t know what to say, other than that I know I have days when my love isn’t quite sincere sometimes. Some days, when I am running late to class, stressing about school work, worrying about what I won’t get done today, I can feel that the love I shared with my friends, family, or boyfriend was less than sincere. I can feel that somewhere in the day I did not show a strong love to someone but a counterfeit love.

I spend hours of my day trying to figure out how I can show every person in my life how much I love them. After those hours, I spend a few more kicking myself in the shins because I don’t think I ever get it quite right. But what I have come to realize (this morning) is that when I let Christ take over, loving people stops being a thing on my to-do list and turns into my way of life!

In order for my love to be sincere, I have to accept help from my Savior. I am a human (I hope that didn’t surprise anyone). I make a lot of mistakes. I have never been and don’t see myself becoming perfect, this side of heaven. So what I must remind myself is that, though my love may get a few cracks in it sometimes, I don’t have to fill those cracks with earthly wax. What I mean is that, instead of making up for my faults by buying presents and making hundreds of phone calls and trying constantly to show some monetary or earthly kind of love to everyone, I can let Jesus fill in the cracks. His grace fills in those cracks perfectly because I am so imperfect. When He is reigning in my life, there are no cracks in my love, just lots of His love pouring out of the clay pot that is my heart. When Jesus is my life, my love holds water.

This may have been confusing but I know for sure that the love of Jesus Christ is sincere. There ain’t no cracks in His love. I want His love to be what others feel. I want them to feel my love but I want them to understand that His love is the only reason my love can and does hold water, even when I suck at showing it.


  1. This was awesome Hannah. I loved that you went into the details of the wax in the pots. Really inspired me. But i think my favorite part of this post was the phrase, "counterfeit love." I love that, its true, sometimes we give our love but its not genuine, and like you im tempted to just fake the exchange at times, but like you said, with God we can make our exchanges always genuine. Great post hannah.


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