The "want to" and the "can do"

I read a tweet this morning. It was the first thing I read when I woke up. It was a tweet from Max Lucado (the sad part is that I check my twitter right after my morning prayer). Max said “When God gives an assignment, He deposits the ‘want to’ and the ‘can do’ in the same heart.”

Yesterday, I was faced with a situation I have never been in before. A friend asked me to accompany her to the hospital and I immediately jumped up, knowing that this was no accident. But the situation was one I have never faced. This world is so broken and full of hurt that I am sure I will be forced to face it again someday, but hopefully not soon. I spent about four hours in a hospital with the strong desire to stand up and tell the person how valuable they were, how great God’s love is for them, how purposeful and intentional their life is!! But I did not stand up and shout (that would have been strange). I also did not stammer through words or wonder what to say because, when the moment was right for the Lord to speak with the person, He spoke. Things just kind of flew out of my mouth and into the person’s ears. It was awesome.

Thinking about it last night, I realized the gravity of where I had spent nearly my whole day and the amazing work the Lord had done during it. One of the many awesome things about God is that, as a result of loving us so freaking much and being a the Creator of love, when He really wants to tell someone something, He finds ways to do it. And God loves to use people to love on people. That is solid fact. We are called to love each other consistently throughout the Word. Jesus said it and lived it: “love one another as I have loved you”. It is a fact: we gotta love each other. So I am never surprised when God uses people but sometimes I am surprised at who and how He uses them.

Sitting there yesterday I thought, How am I supposed to help? I know absolutely nothing about this. But God knew that really, I did know a little something and that, most importantly, I was getting the message to love on someone. Reading what Max tweeted this morning made things a little clearer. God not only knew that I would want to share His love but that, in the moment, I could share His love. The “want to” and the “can do”.


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