to seek and to save

My mind is on a hamster wheel right now. It is constantly trying to catch up. I asked God to guide me to a reason for my desire to just reach out and touch, spiritually, certain people. God has definitely led me to a few new friendships recently that I am so very excited about! There is a fire in my heart to have deep conversations and delve into the lives of these new friends. This is where my Father led me:

“Jesus answered them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’” Luke 5:31-32

I love it when God just lays the perfect verse in my lap (which He often does when I am honestly seeking Him and His will). This, for me, showed me exactly why it is that I desire such deep friendship with these new friends and also why I feel the need to communicate with God about them constantly. I just want to lock myself in the closet and pray for my friends all day long! Each and every one of them is at a different point in their lives and experiencing different encounters with our Heavenly Father. But the reason I want to do this is because I truly want to be the hands and feet of Christ in my everyday life. He is the doctor and those who He needs to reach are the sick and I have the responsibility to let Him use my life to do that reaching!

Jesus says in Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost”. This is the reason that Jesus came and that is still His purpose. In harmony with His purpose, I am called to give my life over to Him as a tool to do this work, to further His kingdom, to seek out the lost so that Jesus can save them. That doesn’t mean only on international missions or in the impoverished areas of the earth (though those places desperately need Him as well), but also in my classrooms and the sidewalks of this campus. I am finding so many opportunities to share God’s love and to seek out the lost here.

There are a thousand other things I want to say, especially about seeking out those Christians who have potential to become poor in spirit because of lack of fellowship. But I am exhausted and I need to go to sleep but I will do so with the Peace of God in my heart and my spirit warmed by my Father. I love Him and I pray that I will please Him constantly while understanding that He loves me even when I fail sometimes.



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