Wonderfully and Fearfully Made

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:13-14 (emphasis mine)

This morning, God planted this verse in my devotional and I truly was reminded, and am still reminded, of how amazing my Father is. I have been struggling with physical appearance and also some personality traits of mine that seem a little… weird to me. But, it is no surprise to me that God reached down to pat me on the back and remind me that I am talking and feeling poorly about His creation.

The truth is that God did create my inmost being and He did none of it on accident. God did knit together all of my parts, proportions and all, in my mother’s womb and none of it was on accident! I am fearfully made because if I were to sit and think about all of the intricacies that went into my creation or about why God put more desire for pecan pie in my heart but none for uncooked spinach I would constantly be facedown and immovable on the ground praising God. This Psalm even says that: “6Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” That is so true because if I knew why God made me the way He did and all the reasons for why certain desires seem to hurt me more than others, I would probably explode!!

I guess the main thing that will stay with me all day is that I was made the way I was made for God’s glory. I am going to try to remind myself of something about me that is wonderfully made for God’s glory every day asking, “What about is something beautiful and wonderfully made about me?”

Here are a few ideas. I have feet just the perfect size to support my body. I was made with a singing voice so that I could praise God and, hopefully, lead others in their praise sometimes. I was made with a knack for organization. I was made with crazy hair (which I may not find too much wonderfulness in but God made it so it must be there for a reason). I could try to keep going with these and I will because I am very sorry for not recognizing that I talk trash about God’s workmanship, His masterpieces when I talk trash about myself.

I hope that this is helpful because God really helped me out with this one. It is encouraging to know that God never gives up on us and He always remembers why we were made the way we are, even when it seems to be not-so-good to us.


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