On How We Change

We all change.

I just folded another load of laundry and realized that, at some point, the way I fold towels has changed. There used to be one - and only one - way to fold a towel in my life. You hold it up, fold in one third onto the middle third then the last third onto that to make one long panel that you would fold twice on top of itself. That...sounds ridiculous when I write it out but that is the way it was!

I looked down at my stack of towels today and realized these towels look nothing like my pristinely folded towels of early marriage. Why did I change my pattern? Have I gotten lazy and this is less intensive? Or did my circumstances change? Have we bought towels of different shapes recently?

Yes! I see it now. My little window sill in our Irish bathroom with just enough ledge to hold our towels and no cabinet space to be found. I changed my technique to fit that window sill because no one wants to run down the hall to the hot press (hall closet...kindof) naked and damp when they forget to get a new towel. Do you know how cold an Irish house can get? Not fun.

I changed. The situation required a change so I changed. Is this a good change? With certainty, I can confirm this is an irrelevant change for my life.

This time in quarantine, God has challenged me to retreat and take rest in Him more seriously. He has brightly pointed out the truths I had missed this past year as time was scarce and transition was abundant. He has comforted me, corrected me, loved me so well. He has taken care of me and my deepest soul needs. He is so good.

He, my loving Father, showed me that I have changed. I have adapted like the folds of a towel to a new window sill but, in the face of that question about whether this has been a good change or not, I see a stark reality. He pointed out the ways I have pursued Him in power while also cowering in action. He has reminded me of the goals He set before me in the infancy of my marriage with grace for the ways I have stutter stepped in pursuit of His good purposes.

Oh, how Merciful is He! So very merciful. This season has meant time alone with Him, seated in His Word and Presence, and time in community (by phone and internet) with people who care so much about who God made me to be that they war in prayer. People that love me pleading with the Father that I become more like Jesus. I found rest and purpose and renewed strength.

We all change but what direction are we changing in? And why? And is it good change? A godly, purposeful change?

It is not too late to take deep breaths, retreat in the wee hours, make space for the Lord and let Him point out your wins and your losses. When He points these out, He points toward Hope.

Isaiah 30


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