
I woke up today thinking of birds. We are staying with family in New Orleans and the walls are a treasure chest of beautiful art. My aunt tells us that they have bought at least one piece of art each year of their marriage. Walking the halls is like stepping into a treasury of expression. My eye always looks for birds. Though there are meaningful pieces of every variety, the birds catch my eye most. They are a living reminder of God’s promise.

In this season of our lives, we have sold all of our belongings (save a few mementos that wouldn’t make a penny but are priceless to us) and left our jobs. We are raising financial support for our ministry abroad as we prepare to be present disciples, sharing the hope of Christ with many who may never have hear it before. We are transient, living with my husband’s parents as we wait to step into the place God has called us next: Ireland.

And, each day, I find myself growing closer to God. He is teaching me things I never dreamed I would learn. If I wasn’t learning them right now, I might have even said certain lessons and actions of God don’t happen to average folks like me. I would have been wrong to say that. God uses all who are willing to walk in His Righteousness instead of their own, regardless of how seriously you have messed up in the past. (That is a whole separate post but I would love to talk to you if you are stuck on that sentence.)

The birds. I was talking about the birds. I need to remember the birds. As we watch God provide for our needs to enter the mission field, I need to remember the birds. Jesus admonishes His followers not to worry about tomorrow. He says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26)

These birds are beautiful and miraculous in flight and they don’t worry. I would say...their brains may not have much room for worrying. But, God provides for their every need, every day and it is just enough. And these are birds. Am I not more valuable than a bird? Which of us was created in the image of God? The sparrow or me? The answer is me...and you and every human creature (Genesis 1:27).

Some days I get caught in the worry cycle: what happens if we don’t raise all of our support, can’t meet with everyone we want to meet with, or get sick enough we need to take more time at home? Christ has reassurance for me that can pull me out of the worry cycle. He reminds me that my worrying about tomorrow is useless! Today has enough trouble of its own, why would I add more to that?

Jesus also offers a promise in the midst of this teaching: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33) I pull myself out of the worry cycle by holding onto my thoughts and speaking truth into the situation. My friend Diana calls it “Erase and Replace”. I erase the false narrative within me and replace it with the TRUTH. The truth is this: Jesus has promised me that when I seek Him first in His righteousness (not my own), God will give me all I need. He does not promise me all that I want but all that I need. Enough for today. Because I know that God’s promises are a resounding “Yes” in Jesus, I am free from worry.

Does this mean I can sit around and wait for God to deliver enough of what I need right into my lap. I do not think so. Our pastor, Kevin, recently pointed out that God gave Adam a job in the Garden of Eden. Work has value. Working out in our faith develops us in more ways than I can explain.

I look at the birds. God gives them what they need. The birds go out and find what God has provided. It is a joint action, a tenuous balance between relying on and working with God. I rely on God to provide and I work hard as He leads me. When I remember that the results of my work are ultimately a gift from God, I am healthier in stewarding the skills He has given me and the results of our work. Our work these days looks like getting out and sharing the vision for our mission with as many people as we can, asking them to join us in prayer and support. OUr work looks like seeking God’s purpose and direction with full surrender and teaching our kids to do the same as we do it ourselves. Soon, it will look like ministering full time to people with a committed support team propelling us forward and relationships than transcend culture or distance.

For me, there is another key piece of relying on God’s provision: spiritual direction. Other than the financial worry cycle, I get caught in a worry cycle that I will say or do the wrong thing spiritually. I ask myself, “Is this really what God is asking me? What will I even say when I try to act on that prompt? Will everyone think I am crazy?” The cycle can be vicious and disabling. The cycle can be used by the enemy to immobilize followers of Jesus.

Thankfully, Jesus was specific when He taught the disciples on this. In Matthew 10, Jesus is directing them on how to go out and reach people. He warns them that they definitely will have trouble. This will not be easy but God will provide them places to stay and food to eat through the people they encounter. He tells them they will find themselves in situation where they may worry about what to say or do.

Then...He makes the promise of provision again: “But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 10:19&20)

He goes on to say, “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.” (Matthew 10:26&27) He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world! And He (the Creator of all) will give me the words to say. My responsibility is to go and say them.

My other responsibility to do the spiritual work necessary to speak His truth. What spiritual work is there to do? For me to hear what the Holy Spirit will tell me, I need to be listening for the Holy Spirit. I need to be up and at it, doing the spiritual work of prayer, fasting, worship, study, and measuring every piece of what I believe the Lord is telling me or guiding me to against the Truth of God’s Word. I need to be testing what I hear against the Holy Spirit simultaneously present within my mentors, faithful disciples and servants of God in Jesus.

And the birds. Jesus goes on in Matthew 10, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” God prepares my path before me. I am only as aware of this as I allow myself to be. We must work each day to see God’s provision and follow Him in it.

I find myself in a new season. This is a season where I must rely on my Providential and Sustaining Father. Without Him, we will fail. We need Him. What this season is teaching me is also that I have always needed Him and He has always shown up. It is just an even starker reality and necessary focus in this time.

He cares for the birds. He tenderly and faithfully provides for the birds. The degree to which He loves us more than the birds is immeasurable. I can and will rely on Him. He is the most faithful one in this relationship. I am a work in progress.

In the Love of Christ,


  1. Thank you, Hannah, for sharing your heart, your love, and your praise to God in this and all seasons of your life. Your reliance upon Him has ministered to my heart this day.

    1. Thank you, Denise! So glad we do not have to do any of this alone.


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