
During worship a couple of Sundays ago, I sang the words "impossible things in His name they shall be done". I sang that tonight, realizing that the impossible things I prayed for were not done last week. I knew that our tiny baby had passed but I prayed God would bring that baby back to life before my next doctor's appointment. He did not do that. He welcomed that child into His glory in Heaven and I was asking for Him to send him or her back to me.

I sang those same words with more belief than ever before again tonight. "Impossible things in His name they SHALL BE DONE!" because those words are true. They were true last week. They are true today. They will be true forever.

I have learned and I KNOW that my God is capable of the impossible. He can breathe life into dead things. He is steadfast and faithful. But, if my prayers are not for His Will, they may not be answered in the way I hoped. I may be praying for "good" things but that does not make them God's Will. I have to love His Will and delight myself in Him more than I love my human desires in this life. And when I love His Will, His Will is my desire above all else.


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