Six Weeks Gone

My neighbor must be heading to work. I can hear his truck rolling on the gravel drive behind us with the windows open to let in some fresh spring air that smells so sweet and cool at 5:29am.

And I am laying here with my six week old angel. Six weeks of pure joy and adjustment. She is adjusting to me and I to her. Now, she snoozes in the crook of my arm with her head on my arm and her hand on my chest.

My whole body and being sustained her for that long stretch of months where I felt her wiggle and grow within me. Now, I still sustain and grow her along with my husband. I know now what my mom meant when she would say she never has any privacy. My whole body and self are exposed and touched out pretty much all day every day.

But it has been the most valuable time in my life. I am thankful for the last six weeks of growing and adjusting along side my husband as we accept the fact that we are parents. That carries a heavy load, another load that I must surrender to The Lord because it is too much to carry alone.

This time tomorrow I will be passing meds or drawing labs, counting the sips of coffee until I get to come home to this magical place where a perfect little girl lives and is being raised. Her nourishment won't be nursing in my arms but bottle fed from her daddy's (though a part of me will be there). A part of me is always there.

It is a bittersweet thought but, as my husband put it, going back to work means getting to learn the joy of coming home and seeing her sweet face. I love my job but I most definitely adore this child. I know I will be praying for her and missing her but this is just another adjustment in our long list of them. My whole body will ache away from her but in a good way.

Six weeks has turned into a lifetime. What joy I now know!


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