
"We almost always see only what's wrong with other people and not what's wrong with us." Man...did I need to hear that. There are just these moments in life where everything looks so tough. Moments where I walk away from them with burning in my eyes and wet eyelashes. Moments where I am fiery mad without understanding why or moments when I am hurt but nobody sees or could understand why I am uncomfortable.  This has been a week full of those moments. I know I am so imperfect and that I read too much into some things but there are moments where things are not so; where the reality and what I have perceived are one and the same.  But, when I got home today, I read this quote at the top. I can't help but acknowledge that some of my sensitives most likely have to do with me not examining myself to realize what I am doing wrong. I mean, there is a huge plank in my eye. I work on that plank and removing something from your eye is not easy. I think that is why Jesus used the eye there. It is a difficult and painful process to remove a splinter, let alone a plank, from your eye. And that is the point! If it was easy, we would have a lot more peace in this world and a lot less social judgement.  Some of these moments I have referred to are valid and have actually caused me some pain, emotionally. But I have let the valid points give me a right to see every moment since as vicious or hateful when maybe not all of them are. I really need to stop and think if I am letting myself be wrong in some of those moments; if I am making things worse in my mind. I probably am in many of them.  Today, that is what is wrong with me. I am jumping. I am jumping from conclusion A to conclusion B without hesitation and that is not right. I need to stop in each of these moments and think, "Who is wrong here?", because there are moments when the answer is, "Me". 


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