Still living in the just enough...

I have written before about how God is always teaching me that I can get by on just enough. 

What has been running through my mind and heart recently is another point about having just enough. Today, Billy and I have just enough money to pay our bills, for school, and live comfortable in comparison to many people all over the world. As far as gadgets and toys go, we have probably a little more than just enough and that is just fine by me (still in the realm of no cable). We have cars that work and are paid off. We are joyfully in the process of finding a house. 

But what about in ten years? In ten years will we have the standards for just enough? When we have children asking for stuff all the time and, hopefully, higher pay grades, will what we view as enough today be enough then? 

Here is what I am thinking: I hope with all my heart and being that what we see as enough today is just enough then as well. Today, when I am writing checks and making payments, I find that I need God and am talking with Him through the process. When we go to the doctor and await that bill it he mail, I am praying to Jesus. We live on the edge where we are comfortable until something big happens which causes us to dip into that money we have been working hard to save and, ya know, it is always still just enough because God makes it so. 

I know that once kids become a part of the picture, our budget will become tighter and bigger and our income probably will too but I want to still live with this tangible sensation of God working in my life in a way that always provides because, when I am living on just enough of the worldly needs, I can see how bountifully I am living with blessings beyond imagination for my heavenly needs. 

Right now, I learning how to be satisfied with just enough as far as my grades go and that is a hard lesson to learn. It seems like no matter how much I study for certain subjects, the tests just take me down one multiple choice question at a time. But it is making me hungrier for righteousness and humbler towards my Savior and everyone else, as a matter of fact. 

Just enough is more than enough for me because when I have just enough in this world, I have more than could be understood in the form of Love flowing from an incredible God. That is the truth always but I never want to forget it. 


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