Agreeing to disagree


Today, I am thinking about how much a simple difference in understanding can hurt a relationship. 

There is this thing called "the Bible" and it has tons of words in it. These are words and messages inspired by God to teach us humans about Himself. It has a great sentimental and theological value to it for many people and I have seen people ready to fight over a difference of opinion over one word in it. 

Recently, there has been this video going around on Facebook by a passionate young man who shares some of his thoughts by spoken word poetry about how he views God and the whole video starts out with "What if". He goes on to portray his feeling about religion in one video and sexuality in another and they are very interesting as well as encouraging views, even if you don't agree with all that he says. He is, by the way, a human who is determining some of his beliefs and sharing them as a human. this is similar to writing a song or poem which people do every day. 

But this young man, has drawn attention and people are pretty excited to rebuke and rebut some of his comments. There are now other videos going around with people explaining how he is wrong and it is turning into quite the cyber-debate. 

I reported one of his videos on my own page because I found it intriguing with good and some not as good points but the over arching message was something I thought worthy of sharing. But the issue is that I don't want to be a part of some great theological debate over one word, least of all the word "religion". 

Why is it we feel the need to share our opinions immediately about what is wrong with another man's belief more than to find a line of agreement? Why does it matter so much that he chose one word over another? For many people, one word really means another word and that is why he tells this story in the first place. Is it so hard to walk away from a conversation and say, "That was an interesting point of view" and then leave it at that? 

Not quite sure why it riles me up so much but I am just tired of having debates over one word and trying to convince/be convinced how what is the right interpretation of the scriptures. 

Let's let it go, folks. If it isn't blasphemy, save the extreme responses for private discussion over a cup of coffee instead of making it viral. 

When did we become a people who desire nothing more than arguing the lines? The answer is a long time ago and I thought this generation was rising above all the line-drawing but, right now, I see more side taking and name assigning than I have in a while. 

We are one body so quit tearing His church apart over a word like "religion". 


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