Bug Bite Temptation

I am not a huge fan of any type of biting insect. I am especially not a fan of sneaky biting insects like “No-See-Ums”.

However, they are sometimes unavoidable. I have to put on bug spray to guard myself from them. When I know that I will be somewhere near them, I guard myself even more with coats of the toughest bug sprays.

I was in Santiago, Dominican Republic last week for 7 days. I covered myself in bug spray but, no matter what, I got attacked by the darn things. Then the itching began. I had to sit still and try not to scratch them. I would de well for a day and then scratch for twenty minutes causing enough damage for a lifetime. It took so much self control not to give in to the temptation of scratching the bites, even as I looked at the scars from last years bites.

I find myself in this same kind of “Bug Bite Temptation” in my life all the time.

When I foresee spiritually dangerous situations, I pray and put my spiritual bug spray on. Sometimes I even ask friends to pray as well for back up. I prepare for the spiritual attacks that could happen in hopes that my preparation will be enough.

Then the attacks occur. You win some, you lose some. In the end, I make it out alive but with scars. Those scars often turn into baggage that the enemy uses against me to lead me to temptation.

Even as I can plainly see how certain temptations or avoidable battles have left scars on my heart and body, I still give in.

I noticed that I had a few bug bites this year in the same place as last year. I finally started scratching one or two of them as I looked at the unmistakable marks from last year and kept scratching.

Why is it that even as I stare at the bad affects of a previous temptation, I give into it all over again?

Eventually, I stop scratching the bug bites and they heal, leaving their mark on my skin. I move on and winter comes and life goes on. Same thing spiritually. Eventually, I overcome the temptation and the wounds heal, leaving their mark on my heart. I, once again, humbly return to the cross and ask forgiveness. The crazy part is that I am still forgiven.

It isn’t like I didn’t know what I was doing. I was staring my past failure in the eye and I still gave in! As a human, I would get tired of being so forgiving. As God, I am glad Jesus never does.

As time goes on, I will not only learn from my mistakes but I will (hopefully) learn to overcome the temptations that appear in my life more successfully as the years go by.


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