Brushing Hair
This conversation happens every time I pick up the hair brush in our home. Daughter: Brush my sister's hair first! I don't want you to brush my hair! Me: I have to brush your hair now please come here before it dries and let me brush it. Daughter: It will be okay without brushing. I don't want to do it! I have tried a thousand ways to get to the hair brushing point without crying. I use distraction. I buy the fancy hair products. I therapeutically discuss, at other points in the day when we are all calm and well fed, why we brush hair and how necessary it is. We have even talked through the options of cutting hair so brushing takes less time. But, nearly every time, the hairbrush comes out with sounds of anguish and fury (too dramatic...or completely accurate?). I remind them that, in our home, brushing hair is not a "want to" but a "have to" activity. There are a few sentences that I hear my mouth repeat during a hair brushing. Phrases li...