For Him or for me?
Sometimes (more often than not), my husband will say something that rings so loud and clear that I almost stop right there and shout. Sometimes they are things I want to hear and sometimes they aren't. More often than not, they are things we both need conviction about and he randomly delivers these meaning-packed phrases of truth in a way that shocks me into noticing their harsh difference from our surrounding conversation. Tonight was one of those times. He was going to bed and I was going to do homework (night shift, day shift, we get off schedule sometimes) and we were getting our pillow talk out before I went back to the kitchen. We talked about a few things and then we started talking about the Kingdom of God and how things seem one way to us and a completely different way to others. This happens in many arenas of our lives but it can be seen in many of the different doctrines of churches. These differences are the reason we have divisions, denominations and conventions div...