Christ's Commitment- there are no "if"s
I am saved. I am a member of the Bride of Christ. There is no question. My commitment is eternal. So is His. We live in a place in waiting. We are the Bride waiting for her Bridegroom to come and make the eternal commitment final. We are the Bride waiting for the wedding of eternal weight. Have you ever heard a true member of the Bride of Christ say, “If Christ returns, the union will be complete”? I sure hope you haven’t because that is not how this whole Bride-Bridegroom Covenant works. Let me tell you, there is no if . There is only a when. Upon salvation the covenant is made between each individual and Christ for eternity. On the bigger scale, the covenant has already been made between the Church (aka the Bride of Christ) and Christ Himself (the Bridegroom). I am ranting but my point is this: there is no question of if there will be a wedding. There exists no doubt in the mind of Christ’s Bride that there will be a day of union. I can guarantee that there is no doubt ...